You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2011.

It has been a while since I updated this blog, I haven’t even done it this year until now. So sorry to anyone who was waiting – probably not many of you. It turns out babies take up a lot of you time, which has meant the blog has taken a slight back seat. But she is asleep at the moment and so I’m taking this chance to do a quick update.

The last 7 weeks have felt like forever, it’s actually hard to remember what life was like without Lola in our lives. My life now is Lola, Everything I do is either with her or for her, and if I’m at work, she is always on my mind, I’m always looking at photos of her or texting or ringing Lara to see how she’s doing. I just love her so much, it’s amazing.

So much has happened in the last 7 weeks, that I couldn’t even begin to list them on here, but it seems that with each day, with each hour, something more amazing than the last happens. She’s always learning and so interested in everything, it is just beautiful to watch. Of course, as all babies she does cry a lot too, and those times aren’t so fun – especially the first couple of weeks when she was home and we COULD NOT get her to sleep at night. But over the weeks we’ve learnt and she has learnt how best so approach night times, and the improvement already is amazing – the last two nights she has slept for 7 hours straight, woken to eat and then slept again for another four! This is something we could not have even imagined being possible 5 weeks ago.

In the last couple of weeks she has started to smile – I never knew a smile could feel so good. Sometimes when I get in from work and hold her and talk to her, she smiles straight back, and with that smile it wipes away any thought of work or sitting on a train or even how tired I am, because that smile, makes everything worthwhile. She hasn’t quite got the hang of smiling completely yet, but she is getting there, and it is wonderful.

Already in her short life she has already had her first sleep over, with my parents – Nana and Gramps, and I’m pretty sure all three of them loved it! She has been to her first wedding, her Great Grandmothers, I’m not sure many people can say they’ve been to their Great Grandmothers wedding. She has also had a marriage proposal, from our friends son Levi Franck, all the way over in Palo Alto. She has said yes, and we are hoping to have them on a Skype date very soon.

Lara has been getting used to being home all day with just Lola, and has found it tough at times, as I am sure most people would, but she has been absolutely fantastic! She is such an amazing Mom to Lola, and you can just see by the look in Lola’s eyes when she see’s her, just how much she loves her Mommy.

I will try to update the blog more regularly, and next time I hope to get the videos of Lola’s first Christmas up. Until the video, here are a few photos of her first Christmas.

I’m going to be a Dad!

I recently became a Dad to the beautiful Lola Barbara Christine Child. She is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me and I love her SO much.

Thank you for visiting and joining me on what is a truly incredible journey.

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