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14 days to go, well if we aren’t ready now, then we better get a move on, because it really could happen any day now. Lara has started her maternity leave now, and so many people of told me stories of how they went on maternity leave and within the first couple of days, once they were nice and relaxed, the baby decided that was the time to arrive – so I’m getting myself prepared, just in case.

With 2 weeks to go until the due date, I seem to have got to a point where I am now just waiting, we have most things arranged and organised, we know where we’re going, who we need to contact and when, the people we want to tell first, and when we want to tell them. We have got most of the things that she will need from day zero and it seems we now have enough clothes to get her through the first year!

Don’t worry though, I am not that deluded, I understand that within the first 24 hours of bringing my little girl home, I will be packed off to the shops with a list of things we need to get, and that this will become an almost daily routine for me. I’m fine with that, I accepted it a long time ago.

We’ve been trying to work out what to get our little girl for Christmas, but every time we think of something, we then decide she should have that from the moment she is born, so we are trying hard to hold things back until Christmas day, so that we will not just be relying on Father Christmas!

Lara is officially 100% uncomfortable and ready for the carrying of baby to be over. For the last few days she has been getting some horrible cramps. They only last about a second or two at a time, but a couple of times she has had 3 or 4 in quick succession, which isn’t great when you’re sitting on a train or stuck in a meeting!

Lara also went to visit the midwife on Friday, and she was told that the baby is nice and healthy and is now engaged and in the correct position, so that’s all good news. Little Lara is quite small apparently, but as Lara is small, it is nothing to be worried about. hopefully that will make her arrival a little easier?

I will try to get a picture of the bump up next week, but I haven’t felt brave enough to ask Lara to stand by the wall while I take my time getting the right angle and the perfect lighting whilst she stands still, uncomfortable and bored. I’ll wait until she is nice and calm and relaxed.

It seems amazing and kind of scary that we only have 21 days until Little Lara is due. Less than a month. The same length of time I once had a holiday in Florida for. When I think of it like that, I realise that the next 3 weeks have the potential to fly by. Part of me hopes they do, as i cannot wait to meet this Little Girl who has already taken over our lives, but part of is also still a bit nervous about the whole thing. I’m nervous about so many different things, and it changes from day to day. I just want to make sure that our little girl is as happy as she can be.

Lara is getting pretty fed up and uncomfortable now, sleeping seems to be getting very difficult and I think she is more than ready to get Little Lara out of there. So I guess we now just have to wait until Little Lara agrees with her Mommy, and comes out to meet us.

After going to the hospital last week, and seeing where we will be when Lara gives birth and we meet Little Lara for the first time, it made the whole thing seem even more real. I don’t think it as until I was in the room, that I 100% realised this is happening. I’ve been able to distract myself with other things up until now, not because I don’t want to be a Dad, but because it’s so scary. It’s also always seemed so long away. When you tell people 3 months, it just sounds like that is a long wait, so you don’t panic too much. Now when I tell people ‘3 weeks’, they all say ‘Oh, it could be anytime now then. Which is of course true, because any baby born after 37 weeks is considered full term. This means anytime Lara calls me or she has a slight twinge or movement, I go in to ‘Birthing Parter’ mode. I have no doubt the one time I forget to go in to ‘Birthing Partner’ mode will be the one time I need to be.

I keep going over and over in my head, how the day will go, when she is finally born. I don’t know why, as it is impossible to predict. But I am just so worried that all the right people won’t be in the right places. I don’t mean the doctors, nurses etc. But I mean Lara, me and my Mum (my Mum is Lara’s other birthing partner). I’m worried that Lara will be at home, I will be at work, over an hours journey away and Mum will be off out somewhere, miles and miles away. I know that even if this is the case, it isn’t a big issue, as we have more than enough time to get back and get Lara to hospital. But I just hate the thought of Lara being in all that pain ll on her own.

It’s Lara’s last week at work next week, before she goes on to Maternity leave, that also makes it all feel very real. It really is happening soon! I have also booked the week off leading up to the due date. Not because I am that confident she will be born that week, but it’s mainly so that I can make sure we have everything ready, and so that I can help Lara to be comfortable and relax just before she goes through Labour.

If Little Lara wants to get in to her Dads good books from the word go, she will arrive bang on her due date, because that means with my paternity leave (2 weeks) and the various holidays I have booked in, I will only be working 5 days in the whole of December, so I would do ok out of that, and I would be around a lot to help Lara out.

6 Weeks to go, wow the time has flown by! I can still remember, vividly, the moment me and Lara found out we were going to be parents, and seeing that little blue line on that little plastic stick. The feelings that flooded my head, the excitement, the fear, the utter confusion of how we were going to do it.

I still have all those feelings now, but I also have been able to find a lot of answers to the questions I was asking myself. Either by asking other people, reading books, or just working it out in my own mind. I still have hundreds of questions going through my head, but I’ve pretty much accepted that’s how it will be for some time to come.

To think that this journey will be ending soon, is crazy. The fact we’ve almost made it through our full 40 weeks, is so incredible, and we really could not have made it without the love and support of all the friends and family around us. It reassures me so much, knowing that we have so many people close to us that are happy and more than able to help us. This little girl will have such a huge extended, loving family as well as her own amazing family, just like me and Lara both had when we were growing up, and it worked pretty well for us!

Obviously when this journey ends, a whole new more incredible journey will begin, Little Lara’s life! And that is going to be one hell of a journey I’m sure, and the responsibilities that come with that are huge, but they are responsibilities I cannot wait to take on. I am 100% convinced that I am as ready as I will ever be, to take on this exciting challenge. I can’t wait to meet my new best fried, and to introduce her to all her family and friends and to show her all the new things that she will get to discover for the first time. I even had a chat with Hugo and Dusty (Hugo is Mum and Dads dog, Dusty is my Cat that still lives with Mum and Dad) and got them prepared for the new arrival, and warned them not to get too jealous. They didn’t seem too interested, Hugo was more worried about wiping his dirty wet mouth on my jeans, but at least now he can’t say I didn’t warn him!

I was talking with my Mum today about plans for when Little Lara arrives, and about Christmas, and it just got me so excited. Not only can I not wait to meet my little girl, but I can’t wait for everyone else to meet her. I can’t wait to see her Uncle, my Brother Nick to be holding her, or for my Dad to be playing with her on Christmas morning. It’s going to be great!

Lara’s Dad has also booked his flights to come over and visit his first Grandchild at the end of January, which is so exciting. I can’t wait for those guys to meet. I have no doubt he’ll be telling her lots of his amazing stories, even when she is only a couple of months old. It will also mean that we’ll have another pair of hands around the house for 10 days or so, which I am imagine will be incredibly helpful at that point, as I will be well and truly back to work by then, so Lara will be more than happy for the help.

All is well with Lara and baby. Little Lara has stopped pushing up behind Lara’s ribs now, and just seems to be wandering around and exploring her first home. I guess she wants to make the most of the nice warm stomach while she is still in there. The braxton hicks contractions have calmed down a lot in the last few weeks, but Lara did have some nasty ones on Friday that made her feel a bit rubbish, but you would never really tell. Lara has been fantastic through this pregnancy. I have no real idea how it all feels, but from what I’ve read, it is very uncomfortable for a lot of the time. But Lara has very rarely complained, and has just got on with it and looked after herself and Little Lar perfectly. She is going to an incredible Mom, I will have the most amazing family!

Here is a video update from a very pregnant Lara:

I’m going to be a Dad!

I recently became a Dad to the beautiful Lola Barbara Christine Child. She is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me and I love her SO much.

Thank you for visiting and joining me on what is a truly incredible journey.

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