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Lets start with Lara, she has been suffering a lot this last week. She’s obviously done something at some point in her life to upset her back, because he is certainly giving her some pain at the moment. She went to the doctors about it at the start of the week, because it’s just been getting worse and worse, and she just doesn’t want to deal with it, and wants someone to fix it. Sounds so easy doesn’t it?!

The doctor’s appointment unfortunately didn’t offer as much hope as she had wanted. She was basically told she has SPD (Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction (which sounds just lovely)), which basically means that all the bones in her pelvic area have spread apart which is what causes the pain, and going by what Lara has said to me, it is extremely painful and not much fun at all, especially in this heat. The doctor told her that to see a physio would mean going on a waiting list of about 9 months, which is kind of pointless now. The doctor also said that any exercise they would give you, would be stuff you can do with a DVD anyway, so that she is better of getting a Pilate’s Pregnancy DVD (yes, they do exist). The doctor also suggested that she see an Osteopath, we’re really hoping my medical insurance will cover it.

he best advice regarding Lara’s back has come from her best friend Amy though, who has just recently been through the whole pregnancy thing. She recommends the beer can massage, which pretty much means I have to roll a chilled beer can up and down Lara’s back. Everyone wins in this situation because Lara gets her massage and I get a can of beer. This has genuinely been working as well, so thanks for the tip Amy.

In other news Lara’s mood swings are back, and they are REALLY back! I won’t go in to it too much, as I don’t want to upset, anger or make Lara laugh too much.

Lara also felt more fluttering on Friday, I think she was getting worried as she hadn’t felt any since it first happened, but Baby gave her a little wave to let her know he/she is doing fine.

I’ve been trying to talk to the baby as much as I can through the bump this last week, as it can now hear things and will remember the voices that it here’s a lot of. I think singing may be on the cards for the baby next week, the lucky thing!

Sorry it’s short this week, but we’re off to a BBQ soon and I have to get ready. I also have to go and buy more beer cans, for Lara of course.

P.S. The bump is getting big! I’ll post some pictures next week.

Well after last week, this week seemed very uneventful as far as the baby goes. No scans, no waving from the baby, that we could see. But it’s certainly growing, as the bump is growing a lot quicker than I expected.

Lara’s mood swings returned this week, and they are pretty extreme. You could get random giggling at nothing particularly funny, or you could get tears because of a burnt croissant. It really keeps me on my toes, but I’m still pretty rubbish at working out what mood she’ll be in. But as all the baby books say, ‘just let her go with it as some strange things are happening to her body right now.’

She’s still really stugglig with her back, and it’s really giving her some problems, sometimes it seems as though she just can’t get comfortable – not fun for her!

Other than the back, mood swings and that bump she is carrying, things seem pretty normal. Although I do keep day dreaming about playing with my kid. I’m always saying to myself “this time next year…”. Good times!

Week 9? The week 9 that means we’re in to the 3rd month of the 9 month journey. The week that means we are only 3 more away from telling everyone else. Well this is going quicker than I thought!

My wife is really starting to get a bump now, and I really want to post pictures, but I can’t until at least 12 weeks. But I will try to describe it best I can… It’s a bump. That is pretty much all I can say about it, I imagine most people know what a bump looks like, but this is the best bump I’ve seen in my life. Because it’s MY bump. Not because I own my wife, but because the thing causing that bump, is part of me. That sounds so weird, but so cool. It’s part of me!

Reading up on the whole pregnancy thing has told me that about now I should be expecting some mood swings. They lied, these aren’t mood ‘swings’, they are more like mood rollercoasters. And you just cannot keep up. I’m not judging my wife, as I know it’s not something she is doing on purpose or something she really likes ether, but the extremes her moods go too are impressive.

Little things will really get to her, and so commuting in London is really ‘interesting’ for her at the moment. She deals with it well though, as best you can really. But being the man, you soon learn a lot of things are probably your fault. Even though she doesn’t say they are, you just get the feeling that it probably is in some way your fault. I guess that is just part of being a man with a woman, who is pregnant or not.

I am going to get so much abuse from the women I know about that last paragraph. But it is true.

Babies seem to have come up a lot this week, it’s getting pretty ridiculous. The woman who I sit next to at work is duein 3 weeks, the guy opposite is going to be a Dad in about 9 weeks and one of the other girls in the office is pregnant too. I guess now is the time to be pregnant?!  And so many of the conversations at work are about the babies and birthing plans and parenting etc. And I have to just keep my head down and not say a word. Which is really hard for me. In my head I respond by saying ‘Yeah my wife was talking about that’, but I know that I can’t, because nobody knows.

It’ll be weird when everyone else knows, it’ll be like finding out for the first time again, because all the excitement and buzz will be back. And it will be even more real then. So crazy!

I’m going to be a Dad!

I recently became a Dad to the beautiful Lola Barbara Christine Child. She is the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me and I love her SO much.

Thank you for visiting and joining me on what is a truly incredible journey.

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